
Showing posts from March, 2016

Amazing Nature

Amazing thing you couldn't believe exist in nature Nature presents the purest things ever ...because creator of nature is supreme and the purest one. Human can perpetuate and make mess of things exist in nature but nature will appear in other shape even more beautiful than the previous. Nature is the source of innovations ---human just discovers. Human may think they will reach to explore the nature entirely but they cannot as the creator of nature adds new beauties to the nature everyday.

Koreans ignore scattered cash

Koreans ignore scattered cash in downtown square A woman threw cash of worth 22 million ($ 19 030) on the road in a street of downtown Seoul South Korea on Monday (21 March 2016). The surprising fact to note that none of the passing-by persons pick the money and leave them unattended. In Korea, picking unattended money is considered as theft, however, in this case, since the woman herself had give the rights of picking money so there was no chance of legal charges if someone may pick the money. For more information please look at the below link;

Morel Mashroom

Morels , is a  genus  of  edible mushrooms  closely related to anatomically simpler  cup fungi . Its name is fundamentally derived from  the  Latin   maurus   meaning  brown . In some regions it is named as,  dryland fish , because when sliced lengthwise then breaded and fried, their outline resembles the shape of a fish. Morels are sought by thousands in every spring for their supreme taste and are highly prized by gourmet cooks, particularly in  French cuisine . In rural parts, people mostly looking for morels to find in t the roots of trees mostly nearby where there is water flows. It become a really a fun activity for the children to find the precious morels because they are not in abundance. Morel are much expensive; a natural question comes to mind, why they are so expensive. According to a report , they are expensive because they are hard to cultivate (which is one of the r