
Showing posts from December, 2017

New Year Fireworks 2018

Every year, new year is celebrated around the world in many different ways. One of the most popular activity come to focus every year is the fireworks at the famous spots of cities of a country. Mostly they are the capitals of that country. For instance, Sydney Australia, Tokio Japan, New York USA, etc. Seoul-capital of South Korea is famous for these fireworks particularly at the end of year and beginning of next year. With the construction the Lotte Tower (one of the tallest buildings of the world), the activity of Fireworks got more attention because of its unique design, location, and of course the length (555 meters). This year I have the chance to part in the gathering on the spot around the tower and enjoy the moments of change from an year to an year. A year of 12 months long finished in a moment and we found ourselves in the first day of the next 12 months long year. With the passage of time, people realized that such moments are rare and could be made more memorable

Snow in Seoul


Korea Folk Museum Seoul
