
Showing posts from April, 2016

Story of a honey bee

It takes more than 5,000 flower visits to make a single teaspoon honey. Bees are called social insects because they work together as a community.  Bees are smart and had given this wisdom by the Creator what and how to make honey out of flowers. Bees visit 1000s flowers a day.  The female bee called a worker bee. They together work with a queen bee. Honey bees make their houses in the shape of hexagons. Science has proved that the most efficient shape to hold maximum is a hexagon. We human can learn many things from lives of honey bees. 1) Social work: a big community work together 2) Leadership ( worker bees work together in the supervision of a queen bee ) 3) Discipline: thousands bees work together without disturbance. 4) Hardwork: a worker bee visit 1000s flower a day for creating a tiny amount of honey. 5) Engineering: For maximum capacity they choose to make hives in a hexagon shapes. 6) Management: Honey are saved and used in winter when flow

Cherry Blossom Kyung Hee University (Suwon) South Korea


Parachinar "Heaven on Earth"

Parachinar is considered as having highest literacy rate among all tribal areas of Pakistan. Education for female is emphasized as a matter of importance of education equally for all Muslims. Parachinar city is the hub of educational institutions for the whole population of Kurram Agency [Wikipedia].   Other than Education, Parachinar is one of the most beautiful city of Pakistan and is titled as "Heaven on Earth by local population. It is the most attracted place by tourists in summer time especially July and August. PC: Bahar Ali, Ali Munawar, and Ibrar Hussain

Cherry Blossom

A cherry blossom is the flower of any of several trees of genus Prunus , particularly the Japanese cherry, Prunus serrulata, which is called sakura after the Japanese. It is now widely distributed, especially in the  temperate zone  of the  Northern Hemisphere  including Europe, West Siberia, India, China, Japan, Korea, Canada, and the United States. In South Korea , t he origins of cherry blossoms is contentious. The Japanese planted  Yoshino cherry  trees at Seoul's  Changgyeonggung  Palace and the viewing of cherry blossoms was introduced to Korea during Japanese rule.  Yet Koreans continued to plant Yoshino cherry trees and festivals began attracting a wide range of tourists. Many Korean researchers assert that the Yoshino cherry is the same species as a Korean indigenous species called " king cherry ", whose mass production is still being studied.  In Korea most of the places for cherry blossom festivals, including  Yeouido  and  Jinhae , are still pla