Story of a honey bee

It takes more than 5,000 flower visits to make a single teaspoon honey.

Bees are called social insects because they work together as a community. 

Bees are smart and had given this wisdom by the Creator what and how to make honey out of flowers. Bees visit 1000s flowers a day. 

The female bee called a worker bee. They together work with a queen bee.

Honey bees make their houses in the shape of hexagons. Science has proved that the most efficient shape to hold maximum is a hexagon.

We human can learn many things from lives of honey bees.
1) Social work: a big community work together
2) Leadership ( worker bees work together in the supervision of a queen bee )
3) Discipline: thousands bees work together without disturbance.
4) Hardwork: a worker bee visit 1000s flower a day for creating a tiny amount of honey.
5) Engineering: For maximum capacity they choose to make hives in a hexagon shapes.
6) Management: Honey are saved and used in winter when flowers are not available.
7) Many others

Here you can see the interesting story of Honey Bees. They are really amazing.


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