Hands-On Tutorial on MS Word --Part 1 (Word File Creation and Headings)

Introduction to MS Word

MS Word is word processing application software developed by Microsoft, thus called Microsoft Word. It was first released on October 25, 1983, for Windows, the first version of Word was released in 1989. A number of subsequent versions of Word were released and some of them become highly popular such as Word 2000, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016; and currently we are available with MS Word 2017.


What we can do with MS Word?

We can use Word to create and modify and document that is composed of text (letters), figures (images), tables, shapes (lines, rectangles, arrows, etc.), charts (pie, area, bar, etc.), smart art (lists, processes, hierarchies, etc.), symbols, mathematical equations, references, links to external sources, and many other related features. Word documents included but not limited to letters, resumes, reports, articles, and books.


What we can’t do with MS Word?

Word can do many things for you, but can’t do everything. For example, mathematical manipulations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and others may not be handled in MS Word. Another Microsoft application called MS Excel is meant to use for mathematical calculations and operations. Similarly, if your document consists of lists of information and want to search or sort, database application is a better option instead of Word. Word can handle simple database that you can sort and search, but Microsoft Access is a better option to choose.

 Objective of Tutorial

To teach those functions of MS Word that usually the beginners don’t bother to use while creating their documents. Not using the available functionalities of Word may lead to substantial time waste in creating complex and lengthy documents such as articles, reports, and books.

Tutorial Outlines

This tutorial is designed to cover the following important functionalities of MS Word.

Creating a simple document

Figure 4

Heading 1

Heading 1 is the first level heading. Usually it is required in article or book writing where text is categorized at multiple levels.

Heading 2

Heading 2 levels the text at second level. It is a bit smaller than Heading 1.

Figure 5

Modification of Heading Fonts

Right clicking on Headings open a new window of life style where style related functions such as fond size, font types, etc., could be applied on the Heading text. Heading name can be changed to a customized name.

Figure 6

Figure 7

Inserting Objects to the document

Word provides facility of adding objects of different types such as images, tables, charts, shapes, etc. to the document. Let start adding a picture to the document from an online repository. From local repository, we can add an image by clicking on “Pictures” button placed at the left of “Online Pictures” button.

Figure 8

Changing the color of image

Double click on the image and apply the "color" from the menu appeared.


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