DAAD Post Doc Scholarship

By the P.R.I.M.E. programme, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides support for the international mobility of postdocs. The programme is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the European Union. 1 Postdoctoral researchers of all nationalities, who see their long-term career perspectives in Germany, will be given the opportunity to combine employment at a German university with a research stay abroad.

In this post doc, student is required to spend 12 months in a university in a country of his/her choice and 6 months in a German university, doing post doctorate. So (12 months in any university, country + 06 months German University).
You have to choose a university in country where you have not spent more than 12 months before . Almost every field
Last Date to apply is : 1 February, 2016 and a lot of work is needed to be done

For more information
See these links
1) Main page (translate it) https://www.daad.de/…/22346-postdoctoral-researchers-inter…/
2) PDF of info: https://www.daad.de/…/prime2016_callforapplications_engl.pdf
3) FAQ  https://www.daad.de/…/st…/datenbank/de/37547-p-r-i-m-e-faqs/


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