Have you ever planted a tree?

Whatsoever your age may be, have you ever planted a tree in you life? If the answer is no, it means you failed to pay attention to this highly important matter. The matter which matters not only for you rather for the generations coming.

Let here we put some of the reasons why one should plant a tree?

  • Tree increases the chance of rains
  • Tree provides shades... a shelter from the hot waives of summer and protection from the storms
  • Tree conserves energy...provides cooling thus reduces energy consumption using A.C. etc.
  • Tree blocks ultra-violet rays...a shield for your children skin
  • Tree provides oxygen...a life partner of every human being
  • Tree provides food...fruits etc.
  • Tree generates business...wood of trees used in valuable furniture.
  • Tree contributes in the cleanliness of environment

Most importantly, if you grow a tree, your own children can derive such benefits out of it. If we cannot think in a broad let think for our children and grow trees the maximum we can. 

Don't wait for Govt. to support, let start from ourselves and create the opportunities to plant trees in the surroundings. If you have a space problem, try to cultivate in blocks at home or nearby.


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