
Showing posts from 2018

Korean National Entrance Test

Korea National Annual University Entrance Test Korean National Entrance Exam called College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) is an annual test conducted nationwide on November 15 every year. In the Korean language, the CSAT is known as Suneung and it brings the whole country to a standstill. It is a nine-hours long exam starting at 8:40 am morning and lasting at 5.40 pm evening. Suneung is one of the most grueling moments of a student's life as they are being tested on Korean, English, maths, social studies and sciences. This year around 0.6 million (600 thousand) students appeared for the exam. Korean parents see this exam a defining moment for their children, they consider high score will provide entrance to a high ranked university which ultimately will lead them to get a high-salaried job. According to some, it has effects not only on the job, but also on the marriage. Therefore, every student aiming for entering a good university such as Sky - the collective name for the

Let change our airport first

تبدیلی کا آغاز ایئرپورٹ سے                           ------------------------------------ یہ 15 اگست 2018 کی بات ہے ۔ میں اور میرے ایک دوست رات تقریباً 8 بجے کے قریب اسلام آباد نئی ایئرپورٹ کے دروازے پر پہنچ چکے تھے ۔ ٹیکٹ اور پاسپورٹ دیکھنے کے بعد سامان کی سکریننگ ہوئی ۔ جامہ تلاشی کے بعد میں تھوڑا آگے نکل کر بورڈنگ پاس لینے کاونٹر کی طرف رواں تھا،  پیچھے موڑ کر دیکھا دوست کو اے پی ایس سکیورٹی اہلکاروں نے روک رکھا تھا۔ میں بھی واپس آیا کہ کوئی مسئلہ نہ ہو، ائرپورٹ پر ویسے بھی بندے کو ایسے چیزوں سے ڈر لگتا ہے۔مزے کی بات یہ کہ یہی سامان بیس قدم فاصلے پر چیک ہو چکا تھا ۔ دوست کے سامان میں خشک میوہ جات (پیستہ) اور مٹھائی رکھی ہوئی تھی۔ کہہ رہے تھے مٹھائی ہینڈ کیری میں اجازت نہیں اور ھاں یہ خشک میوہ بھی زیادہ لگ رہا ہے اسکو بھی کم کرلو۔ اس دوران بغیر پوچھے ان میں سے ایک پیستوں کے مٹھی بھر رھا تھا، یہ دیکھ کر دل ہی میں بڑا غصہ آرہا تھا لیکن اس خوف سے کہ یہ کچھ نہ کچھ مسئلہ کھڑا کر دیں گے،  کچھ کہ نہ سکے۔ یہ کہہ کر ان سے جان چھڑائی کہ کاونٹر پر سامان ایڈجسٹ کر دیں گے۔ عرض مگر یہ ہے کہ بغیر

Lisbon Portugal

Lisbon is the capital of Portugal. It is likable because of its infrastructure,  stylish designs,  white stoned streets, and many towers. The most famous one is the Belem tower. Belem tower historically used for defense purpose. City centre and the streets connected to it provide a splendid scene for the tourists.

Journey from Earth to Heaven

Madeira is one the most beautiful island of not only Portugal but the whole world. You can watch the video coming from the top to the lower with unplanned commentary by the random tourists on the car with me. The route of the cable car was chosen to replace the old  Monte Railway  which ran from 1886 - 1943. This service started back in 1999 and formally opened in 2000. It goes around from the lower part of Funchal to the top mountain parts.  The length of the cable car line is 3,718 m and the height difference 560 m. The journey takes approx. 15 minutes. The cableway has over 39 cabins with 8 seats each, and can transport up to 800 passengers per hour.

CR7 Museum

CR7 museum is all about Cristiano Ronaldo, the legendary football player of Portugal national team and a member of Real Madrid, Spain. He has multiple records on his account and they are beautifully represented in the CR7 museum. The museum is established back in 2013 in Funchal Madeira island Portugal. The place is chosen because of Madeira is C.Ronaldo's birth place. The house where he borne is few kilometers away from the museum. I visited CR7 on 20th Jan, 2018 while I was on the conference visit to Madeira. Using hotel bus service of Vila Gill hotel in Santa Cruz, we reached Funchal in 25 minutes and dropped at the bus station just beside the museum. There is nice statue of C. Ronaldo at the front of CR7. Statue outside the museum There was 5 Euro ticket to the museum with maximum stay allowed of 45 minutes. When entered to the museum, its all about C.Ronaldo, his photos, videos, statues, trophies, shirts, golden balls and boots, awards, medals and achievements.

Seoul Incheon Airport Terminal 2 Scheduled to Open Jan. 18, 2018

The  Seoul Incheon International Airport has a bright history and been ranked as best airport of the world for 11 consecutive years. Previously, there was only one main terminal, i.e. "Terminal 1"  and was sufficient to accommodate around 44 million passengers. With the inauguration of   Terminal 2 which is scheduled to open on Jan 18, 2018 , will add to handle 18 million passengers additionally (62 million in total). Quick overview of Terminal 2 able to accommodate up to 18 million additional travelers equipped with the latest in smart technology, including an information robot, automatic boarding systems 222 check-in counters 20 screening machines  48 immigration departure machines 62 immigration arrival machines 10 baggage claim areas Additionally, the Terminal 2 is designed to provide travelers with unique experiences, including sleeping boxes sports facilities gaming areas for transit passengers an observatory to take in the coming and going o