Fully funded MS/Ph.D. positions at Wireless Communications Lab., South Korea

A couple of fully funded MS and Ph.D. positions are available in the Wireless Communications Lab. (WCL), at the Sungkyunkwan university, South Korea. 
Sunkyunkwan university is listed among top universities of South Korea and also in the world. Additionally, WCL has a very decent research record with many external collaborators and producing excellent publications in top journals and conferences. 

Positions Available:  MS, Ph.D., and MS leading to Ph.D. 
Qualification Requirement: The candidate must hold BS, MS degree in Electrical  Engineering or Computer Engineering or Computer Science.
Research Area Required: Wireless energy harvesting, Cognitive radio networks, Energy harvesting for IoT, Back-scatter communications for battery-less WSNs, Wireless communications and networks. (students with publication(s) will be preferred)
Programming Skills Required: Matlab, C/C++
Scholarship Provided: Tuition fee and living expenses will be covered
Expected Joining: The MS/PhD study will start from March 2016.

Details about the lab. can be found at http://wireless.skku.edu/english/portal.php

To apply, please send your CVs at ejaz629@gmail.com


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